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Resources for Identification: 


World Atlas of Jellyfish - an amazing guide to jellyfish, containing information about jellyfish biology, life cycles, stings, and much more. This book has hundreds of pages on over 260 species of Scyphomedusae and Cubomedusae with photos and information. 

Synopsis of the Medusae of the World by P.L. Kramp - this is a large compendium of jellyfish species and is a foundational text to the field. (a large file)

Medusae of the World, Volume III The Scyphomedusea by Alfred Mayer - another frequently-cited foundational text on jellyfish (a large file)

Field Guide to Jellyfish of Western Pacific - contains photos and information about 77 species of jellyfish in the Western Pacific region. 

Synopsis of edible jellyfishes collected from Southeast Asia - morphology of the edible jellyfish found in South East Asia and discussion of the jellyfish fishing industry.

The freshwater medusae of the world - a literature review of the freshwater jellyfish.

The ctenophores - a great guide to the ctenophores (comb jellies) of Australia from CSIRO, a government scientific body.

Jellyfish Stings and Their Management: A Review - a review of treatments for jellyfish stings and recommendations.



Researcher links:


WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species -  authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms.

Hong Kong Register of Marine Species - provides a globally accessible platform for taxonomic information of marine species recorded in Hong Kong waters, for research purposes, but also for biodiversity education and the sustainable management of marine resources.

Chinese Register of Marine Species - database of marine species occurring in the Exclusive Economic Zone of China.

Information system on Scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Staurozoa - information system to discover the rich biodiversity of Scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Staurozoa.

SeaLifeBase - a global biodiversity information systems that provides biological and ecological information on marine species.

JeDI: Jellyfish Database Initiative - a scientifically-coordinated global database dedicated to gelatinous zooplankton (members of the Cnidaria, Ctenophora and Thaliacea) and associated environmental data.

The Jellyfish App - an encyclopedia of species, location data, and an Ask Lisa function for queries.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Free and open access to biodiversity data.



Other Website links:


Dr. Lisa-ann Gershwin - one of the foremost jellyfish researchers in the world, with over 160 species identified, numerous articles and two books on jellyfish - Jellyfish: A Natural History and Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Furture of the Ocean

Dr. Ferdinando Boero - head of the Occhio alla Meduse campaign regarding Mediterranean jellyfish. 

CIESM Jellywatch Program - set up to gather baseline data on the frequency and extent of jellyfish outbreaks across the Mediterranean Sea. - for recording sightings of jellyfish and other marine organisms.

Cnidaria of the World - an iNaturalist project to share any cnidarian sightings, as well as to facilitate identification.

Australian Marine Stinger Advisory Services - to inform the marine stinger management needs, from prediction to prevention to treatment, for the tourism industry, local governments, other stakeholders, and the public in general. 

Monteray Bay Aquarium - Jellies - a world-class aquarium designed to inspire conservation of the ocean through education. 



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